Subscribe: Pixar movies are filled with countless little details and easter eggs. And with such dedicated fans, this has led to a lot of different theories. These film theories span a lot of topics - including the famed Pixar Theory and a number of theories about different characters: namely, the villains. After all, who doesn’t love a good villain? From Sid and Lotso in Toy Story, Syndrome in the Incredibles, Charles Muntz in Up!, and even Anton Ego -- the food critic from Ratatouille, every villain and character has an interesting story to tell. But, are they really villains? Or are they maybe worse than we first thought? There’s a lot to consider when it comes to the characters in movies, and these theories really show them in a new light. Even if Pixar never decided to make these theories canon or confirm them, they’re a little bit too accurate for them not to be right -- and a little bit too accurate for them not to be real in our hearts. So, whether you think everything is plain and simple, that Mr. Incredible and his family have nothing to worry about from the Government or that Charles Muntz is a great adventure, or if you think that there’s more to everything than we think: check out these theories and see what you think. Maybe they may change your mind? Even if they don’t, they’re a lot of fun to think about! Oh, and did we mention that dogs are great judges of characters? They are. Just ask Doug. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:28 Sid Not As Bad As We Thought? 1:35 But Woody Could be Worse 2:45 Ratatouille Comes Full Circle 3:58 Charles Muntz is a Liar 5:29 Boo’s Serial Kidnapping 7:10 Syndrome and the Government Check out the Behind The Screen Podcast - By Screen Rant on Spotify! Our Social Media: Our Website: Written by: Angela Sawyer Narrated by: Kareem Hassanien @swellcameraguy Edited by: Aaron Redublo For copyright matters please contact us at: